Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Salvador Dali=Awesomeness

"Sleep," by Salvador Dali is a surreal painting from 1937.  I think the painting tries to explain how some people in the world choose to block out the problems of society by choosing to ignore them...thus becoming completely oblivious to life itself.

In the center of the painting, there is a large pseudo-human face that is suspended by U-shaped wooden poles. The area around the face seems to be a frozen waste land with a castle in the background. I think that the purpose of the proximity between the castle and the face was to show how the castle is a center of people and realization, while around the face is basically nothing...meaning that the face is possibly isolated from life. The wooden sticks suspending the face are an example of how society is trying to break the face's isolation, by supporting it instead of letting it fall into complete separation.

When Salvador Dali painted this image 75 years ago, I think that he had the intention of explaining his possible struggles with being anti-social. Sometimes at night I look into the stars and think that I'm just a tiny little thing in a vast universe of a trillions. I think of space and the Earth and think that it's just one planet in a myriad of solar systems.  This painting explains that in reality,  people try to block out that realization; they think that the only thing in life that matters is themselves. I think that's what the picture's trying to demonstrate.